Saturday, September 3, 2016

breakfast with The King!

Oh, what a beautiful morning!
Oh, what a beautiful day!

Considering how badly Hermine and her two ugly sisters treated the region, I did quite well yesterday.
i thank You, God!
As I told my friend Dawn, I was "snug as a bug in a rug" all day.
Sure there were frequent power blips to contend with... but they were during daylight hours. I simply busied myself with washing the dishes, grading the first lab papers and grading tests, and going through piles of papers. And all of that is now done!
Well, not quite.
I always have stacks of papers waiting for my attention.
Last night, when the weather had calmed, I had thought to go to a movie...
but the streetlights were out...
so I stayed in and watched "The Librarian: Quest For The Spear" instead.
Good choice!
I even had cinema popcorn in my bucket from my doubleheader on Thursday afternoon!
And what a fabulous movie the bfe had given to me!
It was all about a well-educated thirty-something nerd, with 22 academic degrees and zero real experience, played quite charmingly by Noah Wylie. He lands a provisional job as the guy in charge of maintaining the safety of some items in a library. You know, stuff like rare books, Pandora's Box, the Ark of the Covenant... cool, right?
I love that Jane Curtin and Bob Newhart were in it, too!
Now, add in the fact that some bad guys were after one of the items and Newhart was an aged US Marine, and the action follows!
I very nearly watched the second one, too, but opted for bedtime, like a good girl.
After all, I dance with Elvis at the beach tonight!
I'm about as giddy as a schoolgirl!
For now, I have a Labor Day family outing to attend... bye!

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