Wednesday, September 7, 2016

helping others, one pint at a time

In late June, I received a thank you from the American Red Cross.
No, they were not congratulating me for a financial donation.
I had given something much closer to my heart.
I gave blood.
How very nice to be reminded that money is not the only way to help others!

It was only one pint, just sixteen fluid ounces, about the same amount of liquid as is in a small soda at most restaurants and fast-food establishments.
But the components of those two cups of red matter can directly save the lives of three people.
Indirectly, who knows how many lives were affected by my choice to give of myself that month?
And, with the world being such a small place, there may be less than six degrees of separation between those recipients of my red cells, platelets, and plasma, and the folks that I know and love.

They told me the recipient was someone in Fayetteville, Georgia.
That brought the point a bit closer to home.
I may not know anyone there, but that doesn't mean that the best friend of one of my nieces or nephews doesn't live there.
I may not know anyone there, but the mother or father of that best friend may have been traveling and was in an accident.
I may not know anyone there, but I'm glad to know I helped save someone's life, simply by giving up thirty minutes of my time and 16 ounces of life-giving fluid.

I gave again a few weeks ago.
I wonder where it will travel?
I do hope they'll tell me.
I very much appreciated knowing.

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