Sunday, September 11, 2016

jumble-aya car-tune-ists!

Who could ever deny that Elvis Presley was the Multi-Task-King?
Singing, dancing, acting, taking acre of his mama, reading fan mail, and eating those peanut butter sandwiches?
What better time to make note of this man of music than today?
Sometimes, we need to appreciate the incredible gift of being on this beautiful planet, this wondrous sphere of life-giving dihydrogen oxide.
Most definitely.
And, I believe, days of great sadness are in special need of a reminder that we are blessed in so many ways.
Blessed with puns, those silly word twists that engage the brain and tease out a grin.
Oh, yes!
Let's see if I can get you groaning in a good way!
And be sure to check out the blog links - you'll definitely like those!

When the 'punny' puzzle makers went out to eat, they enjoyed the "jumble-aya".

When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were "car-tune-ists".

How much did the pirate pay for the corn?
A buck an ear.

The surgeon didn't like the photo, so he doctored it.

Elvis got so many things done simultaneously because he was the "multi-task-king".

The concert music was changed, but the musician hadn't been "note-i-fied".

Audiences loved 'Jurassic Park' and thought it was ''dino-might.

The violinist went to the doctor because he wasn't fit as a fiddle.

The fancy new weather balloon was high-tech.

When the owl realized he was a ghost, he said boo-hoo.

She couldn't eat her prize tomato because it had been spoiled rotten.

The cowboy didn't want to participate in the rodeo, but he got roped into it.

Charging so many things on his credit card was "debt-trimental".

The transmission mechanic came through in the clutch.

After hunting all night, the wolves decided to pack it in.

When the scarecrows had an outing, they had a field day.

After spitting out his bubblegum on the sidewalk, the teen was chewed out.

At Santa's workshop, there was plenty of merrymaking.

The fireplace in their new home made for a nice housewarming.

After playing tennis all day, he was happy for a meal with big servings.

When they toasted at the New Year's Eve party, everyone was in good "cheers".

The doctor would eventually feel at home in the new town, if he had enough patience.

The antisocial octopus welcomed the unexpected visitor with open arms.

After realizing he was at the Pearly Gates, he said oh, thank heaven.

The unscrupulous magician attempted to thwart his competition with dirty tricks.

Two, three, five, and seven will always be in their prime.

The male college cheerleaders' favorite meal consisted of "rah-men" noodles.

The Rolling Stones have been together so long because, as a group, they are rock solid.

Doctors at veterans' hospitals dedicate their lives to treating the "harmed" forces.

When the group of friends took a photo together, they took a photo of "every-buddy".

The alligator was stressed out because he was swamped.

Traffic on the horse farm was caused by ""tail-gaiters.

Owning a dictionary without pages is meaningless.

The golf course was for sale. The owner wanted to sell the "hole" business.

When Roald Amundsen reached the bottom of the Earth in 1911, he put a flag on a Pole.

Mother Nature was often busy on clear, damp mornings, because she had lots to "dew".

He was sick in bed, so his mom wouldn't let him go to practice until he could play well.

The four-star general opened his own restaurant and loved taking orders.

With so many children trying out the equipment, their new playground had mood swings.

When he planted the three oaks side by side, he planted a ""tree-o.

When the kids complained at dinner, their parents were being "whined" and dined.

The shopper demanded 50% off everything in the store because she wanted to halve it all.

Installation of the new clock was completed in a timely manner.

He told Casper the Ghost his secret because he knew Casper wouldn't say boo.

He didn't want to go tubing, but he did to go with the flow.

After rolling 12 strikes in a row for a 300, he was bowled over.

The horse didn't like wearing a mouthpiece. He didn't like it one bit.

Her hole in one resulted in swing dancing.

The author hoped her latest diet book would appeal to a wider audience.

He thought that paying life insurance was a good policy.

After being so rude to the doctor, he was about to become an out-patient.

He planned to wash and wax his car early today and was ready to rise and shine.

When they printed the cartoon upside-down on April Fool's Day, some people flipped.

His high credit bill was a "due-zie".

Al Capone's favorite restaurant was usually mobbed.

The collector of classic films owned "reel" estate.

She needed new tires for her car and the tire salesman was ready to wheel and deal.

Their pancakes were becoming popular and selling like hotcakes.

When it came to answering questions about his new novel, the author was an open book.

He said the painting of the Mongolian leader was a Picasso, but it was made by a "Khan" artist.

When it came to places to build a home, the new subdivision had lots and lots.

The drinks at the undersea bar were watered down.

When he inherited the blimp from his grandfather, he inherited an ""heir-ship.

New at the bread company, he was often caught loafing.

The math teacher was being reprimanded because of his infractions.

She knew what two times two equaled and didn't have to think twice.

The guitarist's favorite pants were "chord-uroys".

The beavers home had been there for years, but now it was dam-aged.

The chef got a new apron and she liked her new "cook-wear".

To transport his cows, the farmer rented a "moo-ving" truck.

Sasquatch was easy to track because he had a big foot.

She wanted to see the new goose, so she took a gander.

The table had been reserved for a party of eight, and the waitress was waiting on them.

When they cranked up the music while doing laundry, they had loads of fun.

John Lennon wasn't certain he'd like the pizza, but he decided to give the "piece" a chance.

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