Saturday, October 22, 2016

ain't no hurricane gonna stop this byop!

Even my odometer confirmed
that I was going to the
right place, right time!
181000 was the mileage -
such a nice, round number,
as befit the occasion.
And just what occasion was it?
Where was I enroute to?

To Dawn and Chris' house,
of course,
for the annual
Bring Your
Own Pumpkin
Nice and round, as I said!

In addition to the
skeleton band
jamming out the tunes...

and the absolutely
amount of food
weighing down
the tables...

and the one-eyed,

we also were treated
to our magnificent hosts
awarding prizes
for the carvers
of the great orange squashes.
Very nice, y'all!
Now, I need to prepare for
my first-ever 5K,
the Glow The Mall Pink Race...
wish me luck!

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