Thursday, November 24, 2016

apparently a private joke

Happy Thanksgiving!
When I was readying my hair today, I had a brainstorm!
I would wear braids!!!
I thought for sure that folks would "get it"...
well, maybe not everyone, but certainly someone...
surely someone would point at my hair and say "good one!"...
but they did not.
No one at Smitty's house commented on my hairstyle.
I thought Caitlyn, my niece, was going to...
but she did not.
She did look at my hair and smile, though.

Perhaps the warm weather is to blame.
Perhaps they thought I wore my hair in braids for that reason.
I must admit, the weather did play a role in my decision.
But, that was not the final reason for my hair choice.

As I told Jeff the ex,
"There was a reason I wore my hair in braids.
Too subtle?

His reply had been,
"Must be because I don't get it.
Turkey necks?

Say what?

I responded,
"Like Indians!!!"

He said,
"Oh, I get it.
You would have had to tell me there was a significance because I wouldn't have sniffed it out on my own.
Ha ha!

Well, I guess it will simply be my own little inside joke.
That's okay, though.
It still makes me smile inside and out!


Kevin said...

Kevin Crabtree
November 24 at 6:18pm

just gonna put this right here.

(photo of Willie Nelson)

Juliet said...

Juliet Fabbri Withem
November 24 at 6:45pm


Rhonda said...

Rhonda S. Curby
November 24 at 7:14pm

Happy 🦃 day. Standing with Standing Rock?

me said...

Honestly, I hadn't even thought about Standing Rock... but, sure, I can belatedly say I was taking a position for them!