Monday, November 21, 2016

bifocals and blues

hey, Dood!
The appointments at the VA in Charleston went well, so December 8th is THE date. I'll be taking the shuttle there on the 7th, they'll put me up overnight, then the surgery will be at some time on that Thursday morning. I' won't know the time until sometime on the 7th. The doctor told me it should only take about 15 minutes. I'm looking forward to a normal hand again!
I'm glad to hear the lockdown situation has calmed down a bit. Mostly, I'm glad you're able to go to work instead of sitting in a cell all day. Just sitting idle is hard on the head.
And I just remembered that you have glasses now! Bifocals, eh? The trick is to look downward when you are reading or doing close work, then to look straight ahead when you are looking into the distance. Be sure to look several steps ahead when you are walking, so you don't trip on anything. They take a little get used to, but I've had them since... well, probably since your age!
Lots of plays and music events going on lately! Fortunately, they've been at Armstrong or the Lucas or the JEA, so they were all free! Last night, I was at the Jonny Lang concert at the Lucas!!! Love his blues music!

But get this: a woman was so impressed with how well I treated her and her brother that she bought me a concert t-shirt AND a CD!!! Amazing!!! And the CD was the one of Jonny in concert back in 2010 - when I had seen him in Savannah!
She told me that she knew volunteers didn't get much recognition, but I had done an exceptional job with them and she wanted to reward me. You see, at one point, her purse had dumped out in the aisle, in the dark during the concert. I had seen the two of them trying to gather up everything and had gone to help.
That's all.
She told me she really didn't like most people and that it had only been worse lately, what with all the nastiness of the election campaigns and the post-election stuff. Meeting someone like me made her feel better about the human race.
Wasn't that the sweetest thing for her to say? And then, for her to buy me a t-shirt, too, just as she had done for herself and her brother... and then to let me choose which of the three cd's I wanted.... What a blessing to have been there for her and to have had such an impact.
God is truly wondrous.
with much love!

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