Wednesday, November 16, 2016

penultimate lecture of 2016!

Tonight was my next to last lecture for 2016.
In truth, it was the final lecture at Armstrong.
I will reprise it tomorrow morning at SavTech.
So, tonight's was the penultimate.
I like that word: penultimate.
Two Latin words, paene and ultimus, bridged together to form a new word with precise meaning.
Not the last, but the one immediately preceding.
Then, off to a new beginning.
How appropriate as we close this semester, this right-handed bookend of 2016, prior to the start of the holiday festivities! The true closure will occur during the first week of December, during the Final Exams at both institutions of learning.
Then, we will meet no more at these schools until the beginning of the new semester, in the left-handed bookend of 2017.
Some of us at Armstrong will continue to see each other in the second half of the survey chemistry series.
Most will be in different classes, however, with new people, new topics of study, new schedules.
But, for tonight, I had that penultimate experience.
That was nice.
I look forward to the "second verse, same as the first" in the morn.

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