Monday, April 15, 2013

the glass is ALWAYS full

Full of what you want, maybe not. But you do not exist in a vacuum, Virginia. So, even though you cannot see it, you better believe that air is always present.
And air is definitely something. Air is slap-dap filled with molecules of nitrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide and water vapor. Air has atoms of helium and argon and krypton, too, all noble gases that don't play with others.
Air may even have fine particulate matter if there's been a bonfire or a leafblower or a street sweeper in the vicinity of where you are. Sure, gravity will eventually settle those bits and pieces closer to the Earth, but for a bit of time, you get to breathe it all in.
Let's not forget that some of that particulate matter may be plant sperm. You heard me, I said "plant sperm". What did YOU think pollen was??

So, the next time you think something is missing from your glass of life, take another glance.
That glass is FULL.
And please remind me of this post the next time I'm going to a pity party.

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