Wednesday, April 24, 2013

wishing stars

...for impossible things...


faustina said...

This retrieved from a memory on fb, posted April 24, 2013:


Faustina Smith
· Shared with Your friends and William's friends
So, it's been a hard week, y'all. No lie. So you might want to give a girl a hug when you see her. Trust me, she needs it. Many thanks to William Peterson last night for company -and beers- at the stunning ball game. Thanks to you, too, Gnate T. Gnat

faustina said...

This goes along with that post, being all the loving words of family and friends.

Penny Walker Bos
Hey sweet and wonderful woman! I am so sorry to hear you've had a bad week. I'm sending lots of love and hugs.


John Mattingly
You okay, Tina? FB hug!


Rhonda Curby


Jeff Powless
Sending a great big Jedi hug right now Tina


Pat Andres
Tina- wtf?


Christy Ward-Parker
Sending a hug your.way


Susan Carlile
Love ya chic!!!


Penny Guenther
Love you, Tina. If you're ever in need, give a yell. I'm not far away.


Faustina Smith
Thank you, my dear friends. I'm smack in the middle of the week when both my "brother-in-law" Sam Johnson and my father died four years ago. And it's the last week of school, meaning I'm saying goodbye to students I've had for two semesters now, in 1151 and 1152. Believe me, we get a real bond going on. And this is the end of my full-time teaching position at Armstrong, too. This was my thrid year and that is all that is allowed by the College of Science and Technology. So, that means the end of me seeing former students on campus or them coming by my office to visit with me. Very sad.


Sandra Cherise Karlin
Sorry, Tina! Don't know if we'll run into each other over the weekend, but if we've got a big hug!


Rhonda Curby
I'm still planning a Sam memorial tattoo. {{TINA}}