Wednesday, March 19, 2014

jim isn't saying

It's a mystery!
Well, it may be a mystery, or it may be a comedy, or it may be a romance. It may even be a drama or animated or musical or historic -

Oh my dear God! Whatever are you going on about?

Tonight is Wednesday night, the night of the Psychotronics Film at the Bean! I even get to go!!! Yeah for Spring Break!!!

Oh, I see... one of the odd or lost or rare or forgotten or not-in-this-country films.

Yes! Yes, indeed! Jim isn't saying which one he has for us on this special occasion, but I'm sure it'll be a good one!

Hold up, there, girlie. What's special about March 19th?

Well, it's close enough to her birthday, which will be tomorrow, for Jim Reed to bring a little extra attention to her and her career. Especially as the Academy Awards haven't yet bestowed an Oscar upon her. There's still plenty of opportunity for them to rectify that oversight.

Who's birthday??? Who are you talking about???

Holly Hunter, of course! You know, she is only a little over two months older than me. Yep, that's right - I keep saying 1958 was a very good year!


So, Jim is doing his part by not revealing the name of the film until actual showtime. A surprise birthday party, if you will! I'll let you know later which film was shown!

1 comment:

faustina said...

The movie was "The Big White" and you can read about it here:
I laughed and laughed! Starring Robin Williams and Giovanni Ribisi (whose name is so mellifluous- I like the way it feels in my mouth!), Holly Hunter had a featured role as a wife with a certain madness... maybe, maybe not. Very entertaining!