Monday, March 18, 2013

back in the saddle again

I feel like Mickey Mouse in Fantasia. There, he lifted an arm and a huge wave rose to the occasion. Then he lifted the other arm, and another wave rushed to do his bidding. Suddenly, he was conducting an orchestral maneuver of crashing waters!!!
Then he went back to his regularly scheduled life as the sorcerer's apprentice, sweeping the floor and washing up.
I know just how he felt.
Yesterday was the final day of my Spring Break this year. It was also the final day of the inaugural Georgia Elvis Festival, held in the low country in the little town of Brunswick.
Say what?
I kid you not. Brunswick.
All of the events were in the downtown area, a couple of blocks of eateries and squares near a waterside park. It was all quite pretty, made even more so with bouquets of Presleys everywhere you looked!

Events were scheduled nonstop from mid-morn to late night - and you know me, I just HAD to BE at as many events as I could! Whew! Fabulously entertaining, a treat for the eyes and the ears, too! Songs I loved, songs I never knew, songs I had forgotten... songs from movies, songs from church, songs from the Vegas years! And the clothes - oh my! The many jumpsuits - white, black, blue! The capes, the spats, the blue suede shoes! Well, I lie - I didn't ever spot any blue suede shoes, but I certainly looked for them to be dancin' about!
But the shows ended and I returned home for my first niece's third decade celebration at the mini-golf on the island. Then I sped from that to pick up the bfe at the airport from his Canadian workshop.
And finally I was home again, to prepare for my regularly scheduled week as the waves subsided and rolled off in the distance.
Back in the saddle again. Giddy up!
Translation: Go to bed. NOW!

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