Monday, July 21, 2014

the other "A" month

That's what I said last night.
He had asked when school was to resume and I had said "April 18."
"Oh? Are you not teaching until the spring?"
"No, I meant August. The other 'A' month."

Yeah, that was a conversation stopper.
But he did offer me a Mentos.
It was like being in a "boy meets girl" commercial.
'Cept we were at "Odd Lot: The Musical" at Muse Arts.
I had thought he had gone last night, so I was pleasantly surprised to find him there.
Waving at me from the top row.
That was definitely a very pleasant surprise!
And I went straight up and received a hug - very nice!
Then I sat down beside him, there on the top row.

You never sit on the top row.

True 'dat. But I did last night!

Please tell me you aren't fixing to be crazy again...

Well, I can't promise that. I've been attracted to him ever since I first saw him. He has very caring eyes. And a gorgeous silver streak near his temple. I really wish I could convince my hair to do that...

You need to calm down, g'friend. Don't be putting moves out there and scaring folks.

Again, I can't promise that. You know how I am - full-TILT boogie or not at all! Rather, those are the two paces I most favor, though I did try to travel at a more reasonable speed two years ago.

Please to be careful, okay? What was that quote that you were taken with in "Belle"? Didn't you type it into your phone for later viewing?

"The world is a devastating place. You must learn to protect your emotions if you are to keep matters of law and love from devastating you." Lord Mansfield was talking to John Davinier, would-be suitor of Belle.
I still think that is a remarkable piece of advice.
However, it is a bit isolationist, isn't it? And the young suitor declined to take that advice and did end up victorious, winning the heart of said fair lady.
Of course, he didn't so so alone. She was pretty well set on winning his heart, too.
I think the man with the caring eyes has a fondness for me.
This isn't the first time he has made sure to attract my attention and given me a hug.
This is the first time we have sat together, though. We kept glancing at each other during the show, as we both vocally - and frequently - responded to the frivolity onstage, even when others were not dpoing so.
At one point during the second act, my right foot touched his left foot... and we both left them like that for several minutes, even moving the touch up to our calves.
I know, I sound like a school-girl, right?
I'm a school teacher, and I am a girl-type of person.
Yeah, time for me to go and give this a rest.

Later, dear. Do be careful. That way be dragons, you know.

Well, if those dragons are Night Furys, than count me in...
He likes dragons, too.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Yes, I was having a brush with craziness.
Patrick Young was the fellow of interest, leader of JavaFlix Savannah.
He and Sara have been married and living in Jacksonville for a couple of years now.