Saturday, February 2, 2013

i thank You, God

Today is a new day.

Pasta carbonara for breakfast... very nice, and it tasted EXACTLY like i wanted it to taste.
Breakfast with the peace guy, sharing the use of his bacon, sharing his friendship.

Yard work on a beautiful blue-sky day! Nothing like a bit of physical labor to remind you how GOOD it feels to be alive.
Especially on a beautiful blue-sky day, with a friend working alongside.
Clearing away the crispy lantana and breathing in its citric scent.
Clawing up the thorny vines and banishing them to the curb.
Pulling down the surfeit of moss on the magnolia.

Time to get clean, absorb some art, greet some friends!

Today is a new day.

1 comment:

faustina said...

fb flashback from Feb. 3, 2013:
"Hope y'all had a Happy Groundhog Day! I sure did, with Joe and Kristin and Cheap Thrills MeetUp! Thanks to Barbara for snappin' the pic'!"
The pic has Joe Guy holding the poster for "Groundhog Day" that I had won at the raffle. Hooray!
That poster would later set off a chain of events after I gave it to Joe Buttner for his bare-walls apartment.
As Oogway says: "There are no accidents."
I agree!