Tuesday, February 26, 2013

noise, noise, NOISE!

Today, I gathered my moxie tightly about my shoulders and went in search of a solution to the constant assault on my ears and psyche by the monster in the hall.
The monster first appeared toward the end of last term. Thinking it a part of some marketing deal the university had made, I accepted that the new soda machine was now part of the permanent fixtures in the building. After all, if the presence of the music-making, talking beast meant some monetary gain to benefit all, then I would do my best to ignore its chirping.
Yesterday, the volume had at least tripled. The gentle murmurings emanating from its depths had been replaced with loud demands for attention. Watch this video! Play the game with me! Watch this other video! Listen to my little speech about college, to my little tune, to my constant, constant, CONSTANT barrage of sounds!!!
I had tried to ignore its chants and chatter, but I was failing.
Outside help was needed.

I asked the department secretary who I should contact. One of the long-time professors happened by and, hearing my tale, she told me a name.
"The Vice-President of Financial Affairs," she said. "You may as well start at the top and work your way down."

Well, okay then. That was not the way I was accustomed to handling matters, but I was willing to give it a shot.
I returned to my office and fired off an email.

"Mr. C,

I was referred to you concerning the noise level of one of the vending machines. My office is in the north wing of the Science Center (the smaller building); this building is also the location of a new Coca-Cola vending machine which was installed a few months ago. The machine has an interactive component which allows customers to play games, watch videos, etc.

Heretofore, the volume of the nonstop music or voice-overs from the machine has been low enough that I could ignore it.
No more.
The volume is so very loud now that it cannot be ignored. It is an aural distraction to both myself and my students when they come to my office.
That is not acceptable. When something physically interferes with student welfare, especially if that "something" is an inane singing soda machine, then that device needs to be removed or altered for the benefit of the student.

I would appreciate a decrease in ambient noise level, too.

If there is someone else I should contact concerning this, please do let me know."

*** *** ***
Guess what? Within an hour, I had a reply! Moreover, the person I had contacted had no idea such machines were even on campus and seemed to be a bit bothered that he did not know of their presence.
I expect the matter to be resolved soon.
I certainly hope so.
I can hardly hear my students when they come to ask me for help.

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