Friday, February 22, 2013

talking in my sleep

This has been a week of nightmares.
Trying to write the documents needed for my job application has been very difficult, though not impossible. However, writing those documents has required much more time than I had anticipated.
Then, finding out on Wednesday that the current applications had been reviewed and the potential hirees had been invited to arrive after spring break for interviews was very disturbing to me. Spring break would be the week of March 11th. And I did not yet have one document even written!
Panic began to consume my sanity.
What if I had taken too long and the job was no longer open to new applications? What if my delay in applying was misinterpreted as a lack of interest in the job? What if I would not be returning to this role in the fall???
Then I did complete the one document not yet composed and was actually pleased with it. Writing the scholarly description, I gained a fresh respect for my subconscious path these last three years. I had been heading into a successful job application, even though I had not realized I had been trodding that path. My desire to become better for my students had, wondrously, made me more suitable for the job opening now available.
Then I hit a stumbling block.
I could not upload my transcripts. The job site would not accept the file.
I tried different scans.
Different formats.
Different computers, different times of day, different file lengths.
No. No. No.
I was losing my mind.
Seriously, the lack of a seventeen-year-old transcript was going to keep me from applying for this job???
In a panic last night, I went through the steps listed in the "help" section of the job site. Repeatedly. To no avail.
The only step I had not taken was to contact the Human Resources department.
But I had. To no avail.
I had contacted them the previous week in the hopes of receiving a file copy of my transcripts. After all, for my current post, I had to submit my transcripts, so I knew the university HR folks would have that information at hand.
But I had never received a response.
Time had marched on.
And now, now it was vital that I complete this application, vital to my peace of mind, vital to my sanity.
This morning, I contacted HR by email, again.
After about thirty minutes of no response, I contacted them again, this time by phone. The woman listened to my plea, had me send her the bulky file, then changed its size by changing it into an archival format. She had assured me that others had also had difficulties with their transcripts uploads and this technique had worked for their files. She returned the shrunken file to me, I attempted to upload it to my job application...and it failed. Oh, no! One more try! And that try was successful, allowing me to finally, finally, submit my application.
I was not prepared for the rush of relief.
I had finally completed my part of the job application process, with the help of friends and colleagues and strangers.
Now, the matter was out of my hands. Others would have the responsibility of reading my application and determining my worth for the described job.
Now, I wait.

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