Wednesday, February 27, 2013

thank u 4 lettin me be mice elf again

Every time the bfe and I talk these days, which, granted, isn't that often unless I seek his company, he ends up picking a fight with me. We'll be fine, then I'll say something about why someone might have done something and ... BAM! He's on me like white on rice, telling me I shouldn't be conjecturing, I should just go with what is known to be true. And he gets so vicious with his verbal warfare that I'm left on the verge of tears.
Really? Is that necessary???
I'm not reporting the news, where truth is needed but is often in short supply.
I'm not teaching a fact-based course, where truth is easily confirmed in a textbook.
I'm having a simple conversation and should feel free to postulate at will.
Especially with someone who claims to be my friend.
So, after one such lambasting by him, I wrote the following.

*** *** ***
If i want to tell myself the moon is blue
it's my prerogative
If i choose to tell myself that i am over you
it's my prerogative
No one else can tell me what it is that i should do
No one else can tell me, not even you.

Sometimes i wonder why i don't open my eyes -
Take a quick moment to just realize -
but it's my prerogative

If i say the sky is purple in my world
it's my prerogative
If i say to you i'm not that kind of girl
that's my prerogative

I can choose to be however pleases me
I can choose what stories please me, too
that's my prerogative

Go find someone else to boss around
Go find someone else to drag to ground
I won't be there for that, i will not be around
that's MY prerogative.
*** *** ***

My thanks to Bobby Brown for the inspiration.
My thanks to the bfe, too.

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