Wednesday, February 12, 2014

howling winds, turning wheels

The Universe via
to me
5:15 AM

Faustina, it's working.

No, you probably can't see it yet, but I can. Wheels are now turning that have never turned before. Winds are now howling that have never howled before. And players from every walk of life are being drawn into place as if in some hypnotic dance. All because of you, your dreams, and your divinely stubborn persistence.

If I wasn't the Universe, I don't think I'd believe it.

The Universe

This week, the total lack of preparation of the Labs for MY students has resumed. Of course, the student lab assistant is being blamed, or my presumed lack of attention to the lab prior to class.
Of course.
And now they've dragged Suzy into the fray.
How disgusting.
If the department truly wishes to abolish these chemistry classes which I teach, why don't they go about it the upfront way? Why not lobby to obliterate the courses from the student catalog? Why do this endrun of attacking the students through misuse of the students' time and money? After all, the CHEM1151 and CHEM1152 Lab fees are higher than those for the other freshman chemistry classes.
Now, for the second time in as many weeks, my students will be tasked with performing TWO labs in one evening session, instead of the one that everyone else has to perform.
There has to be a better way to confront this.
Trying to appeal to the department head is of no use.
He is the one spearheading the assault on these classes.
Trying to appeal to the dean of CST has had very limited success.
He is catching flak from all sides, above and below.
What I need to do, evidently, is to mobilize the students in the health professions classes. Perhaps if they lodge a complaint with their dean, something beneficial for them will result.
Certainly, complaints on my part have fallen on deaf ears.


Anonymous said...

Feb 14
to me, Will

You can come by my office and pick up a key to Room SC 135. The work crew is putting the finishing touches and cleaning up after themselves. It will be move-in ready on Monday.


Anonymous said...

15 February, 2014


YEAH!!!!! (And the crowd goes wild, as only a Muppets crowd can!!!!)

I will see you on Monday!