Monday, February 17, 2014

small ones count too

A word on miracles...

Faustina, don't let those that have not yet transpired, blind you to those that have.

It really fouls things up.

The Universe

Yes, indeed.
I'll accept, with gratitude, every small miracle as its time arrives.
Thank you.
Today, I received a new key: a key to my new office, S[cience]C[enter]135.
No, it isn't mine alone; other adjuncts will share the space.
No, it doesn't yet have a printer or lockable drawers for students' papers.
But it does have a desk and chair for each of us, with additional chairs for our students who come to visit.
It does have partitions between our spaces, for a modicum of privacy.
It may not be quite ready for occupation and sharing with my students.
But it's a good start.

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