Tuesday, February 4, 2014

roast beast with spears!

The flight tonight took off without a hitch and flew smoothly and gracefully to its destination.
You recall that there was a flight from San Sebastian Winery to Nicoll Street, right? True, it had been delayed for over a year, but the wait did no harm to the travelers and they were well received.
The physicist had prepared American soul food - i.e., roast beef with potatoes and carrots - to complement the three reds which made the flight. The asparagus echoed the meal which had inspired the invitation to dine downtown.
So, let's meet the flyers, shall we?
First, of course, was dear Rosa, a fine, mildly sweet girl, very light on the tongue. The beef was bit overpowering for her, but she was delightful, and I do mean delightful with the chocolate almond straws for dessert. Delightful!
The Reds, however, were a perfect duo for the roasted meat. Sipped alternately, the Castillo was full-bodied and dry, bringing out the darker depths of the dish, while the Vintners, with its wetter flash of summer muscadines, accentuated the country heart of the pot roast.
All in all, a wonderful evening of two friends dining in style, talking like old times, eating ginger cookies, petting the two kittehs, and laughing over a video of found footage.
Sweet dreams, to you, too, dear friend.

1 comment:

Jeff Secrest said...

02/04/2014, 11:06 PM

Hey Faustina, I had a good time tonight! You have a good night and sweet dreams this evening. :-)