Wednesday, February 26, 2014

no Goldilocks

Dear Tony,

First - excellent sermon. I am so proud of you for presenting such a good message about responsibility. And how very good that others took the message to heart and spoke with you afterward. That is definitely a positive event.

I do hope life is going well in your new building. I also hope you will soon be returned to the Y buildings, but I have to wonder: considering the timing of your sermon and your move, perhaps you are where you are needed at this moment in time? Perhaps you have met some men who are lost and need a lifeline back to shore? I certainly do not know, but I know to trust God and to observe and to think.

I am so glad your pain has been swept away! I know what a distraction pain can be, tempting dark negativity to one's thoughts. Ugh. But it sounds like you are back on an upward path and I am grateful for that.

Funny - when I sat down to write this card, I had thought I was going to talk about other things. Then I read your sermon and just let my pen write as my heart, head, and hand led.

Thank you for that path.

with my love!

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