Saturday, August 13, 2016

fang family fun!

First, if you think this is about vampires, allow me to dissuade you of that notion.
Tonight was the first time I've been able to attend a JavaFlix event this year.
Why has it been so long?
Well, five of the seven monthly screenings I've missed have been films that I have already seen and did not want to see again. Four of the films ("He Named Me Malala", "Spotlight", "The Big Short", "The Lady In The Van") had already played at the regular cinemas in town!
Then, there was the one that I saw with Tomasz's group. Honestly, if not for that, I would have gone to JavaFlix in June for "Mustang".
"Experimenter" seemed to be too much of a downer for me during the winter months. People doing ugly things to other people, purportedly in the name of science... no thanks.
Last month's "Midnight Special" looked very promising, as it was a science fiction piece that looked to be of "The X-Files" ilk. However, my Bananas were saluting the military and giving me fireworks for birthday:58, so that's where I was!
But there were no conflicts with Bananas or the Lucas for this month's film. I had made sure of that in my busy schedule!
Had I so missed the folks at JavaFlix that I did so?
Well...sure...that was part of it.
But, really and truly, it was the film choice that cinched it! When Patrick had announced that the selection would be "The Family Fang", I knew I was wholeheartedly IN!
Christopher Walken! Jason Bateman! Nicole Kidman!
The film was well worth viewing, too! An exploration of one man's pursuit of artistic expression at the expense of all else, and the love of one woman willing to do anything for him, led to quite a lively discussion. How very interesting to hear others' views! What different aspects were highlighted for each participant!
Thanks, Patrick!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I must admit, I'm in love with Christopher Walken and have been for most of my life.
I'll gladly watch ANYTHING if her is in it, even in a minor role.
How good to have seen him twice in such quick succession!