Sunday, August 7, 2016

three cool cats, coasting along

1958 was such
a good year!
Besides marking when
The Coasters released
"Three Cool Cats"
it was also
when I was born!
That's why this
is my birthday:58!

So... what brought
that particular song
to my mind today?
Let me tell you!
I just heard it three times
in the movie "Nine Lives"!
I don't know whose idea it was,
but many thanks for
the cool jazz tune!

I do have to add that Mister Fuzzypants was the perfect dancer for it, he truly was.
(I'm not sure where Henri, le Chat Noir, was during the dancing, but his name was in the credits. Hahaha haha!)
Mister Fuzzypants, formerly of the Purrkins Pet Shop, was moving to the beat with his 11-year-old daughter... I mean, new owner. I laughed quite a bit at his antics!
Who else was in the movie?
Kevin Spacey!
Jennifer Garner!
And... drum roll, please!...
Christopher Walken!!!
Three of my favorites, all in one place!
I'm so glad I decided to see that movie this afternoon!

Actually, I had hoped to meet Garry, of, at the Spotlight.
I had suggested it when we were chatting via email yesterday.
Oh, well!
His loss.
He missed out on a fun movie!

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