Tuesday, February 11, 2014

egos and fins of old cars

Today, a Tuesday, I happened to be at the school for Spring Convocation. Well, that's what I meant to happen, but I dillydaddled around until I was truly only in time for the free lunch.
That's cool.
I then treated myself to a movie about a dalliance between a computer and a man. Hai had seen "Her" and spoken highly of it, and I was killing time southside, so I went.
I was the only one there.
That was the same situation he had experienced, too.
And we both found that to be okay, as the first twenty minutes or so are meant to make the viewer feel like a voyeur.
A little unsettling, to be sure.
The lead character was pretty unsettled, too, by that last "sexual" encounter. So he turned to a virtual companion.
That got pretty weird, too.
The part that was the most disturbing to me, though, were his pants. They were like old man pants, high-waisted, but beltless, and rendering him pretty gender-neutral.
Maybe that was the point.
Anyway, after the film, I contacted the physicist to see if he would like a ride home. You see, he had invited me to Chez Secrest for dinner and a movie - again! - and I just thought I'd save him the bus fare.
Too late. He had already fled north. After all, he had a dinner to make!
Then we proceeded to have this conversation about geometric shapes.

him: Be there or be a rhombus.
me: I choose parallelogram. :-) Pretty sure i spelled that wrong.
him: I find the parallelogram to be pleasing!
me: Like egos on old cars.
me: Like fins
him: I can see that.
me: Stupid word choices by my phone. Unless the egos of old cars are manifested in their fins.
him: They may be...
me: I would hate to think my phone knew that..

Actually, I wonder if anyone has ever researched the correlation between the size of the fins on those beautiful old vehicles and the egos of those who designed them? I could see that being a nice master's thesis for an art or psychology or maybe even an engineering graduate student.
So, the bfe and I dined on salmon tonight - yum!
he knows how much I enjoy seafood!
I had brought my favorite white wine to share with him. He rather enjoyed the monks' Blanc du Bois, too, and its crisp grapefruit tang worked like magic with the oily fish - very good combination!
Then we indulged in the sumptious feast which IS Mae West. No, really! He had come upon the film when he was out and about and knew my predilection for the divine Ms. West, so he had bought it.
"My Little Chickadee" was pure fluff, but that was good! Light and funny, romantic in a not-so-serious way, easy and entertaining.
Perfect for petting Contessa the Cat, continuously, allowing me - and her - to get in plenty of touches to savor for later.
Very nice.
Thanks, bfe.

1 comment:

Jeff Secrest said...

02/11/2014, 9:30 PM

It was great having you over Faustina! You have a good night and pleasant dreams!