Monday, April 14, 2014

those little teacups from Limoges

This morning, I was putting some dishes away. Somehow, this one caught the corner of the cabinet door and squiggled right out of my hands.

Fortunately, I still have one blue fish.
Dr. Seuss would be pleased about that.
But here's the odd thing: it looks bigger when it's shattered all over the tile.
I guess that can be an analogy for the effect of loss.
When we lose someone dear to us, that broken state can easily swamp out everything else in our lives.
As I learned last year, the losses of family and friends can be overwhelming, throwing hurricane-force winds and tsunamis into our path, obliterating the light of day, the light of life.
It's important to remember this: you are not alone.
Others also loved the one who has passed.
Others are also caught in the storm with you.
Together, you can help each other survive.
Let the towering wave of loss wash over you, be mindful of its devastation. Than rise and walk on.
You still live.
Be mindful of those loved ones who still share this space with you.

Now, on a less serious note (literally and figuratively), I know you are wondering at least one thing.
To what do you owe the pleasure of this post's title?
I'm glad you asked!
Check out "You Broke My Heart". Sung by a fellow channeling Dean Martin, it's a rather nice diversion.
No, I am not familiar with the show, or game, or whatever it is.
I had stumbled upon the site while surfing and thought the ride was totally tubular, man.
It brightened my day!

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