Wednesday, April 30, 2014

washing dishes

Today, I attended a special talk by Herb Childress. He was the keynote speaker for the 2014 Armstrong Student Scholars Symposium. His talk, titled "Now What? Jobs, Careers, and Obsessions, in College and Beyond", sounded like just the kind of pepper-upper I needed!
I arrived at the Ogeechee Theatre in the Student Union a little early. I was expecting the room to be packed for this award-winning speaker.
Sadly, that was not the case.
He ended up preaching to the choir, so to speak.
Still, it was definitely worth my time to attend. I can always use a peptalk, especially one that reassures me that my mind is working properly.
I was especially glad to be there when he was discussing the words of Thich Nhat Hanh. Never heard of him? No, me neither. But I like the way he thinks.
"When washing the dishes, one should only be washing the dishes."
How often do we find ourselves trying to multitask? How often does that pursuit lead to poorly executed tasks? How often to do we miss out on simple pleasures on our way to the "next big thing"? How often are we not present in the moment before us?
I can certainly vouch for the joys of washing dishes. I grew up sharing that task with Mama. While my brothers were in other rooms in the house or playing in the yard, she and I welcomed the time together, hands immersed in warm soapy water. Talking. The simple task became a special time of bonding for us.
Even today, when I wash the dishes, still by hand, it's as if she is by my side, sharing the task, sharing thoughts, sharing the moment.
Sure, I'm a bit off, as some might say. Ben wouldn't, though. He writes the Truly Simple blog and has a wonderful take on the above dish washing quote. Actually, I wouldn't mind meeting him someday for some discussions about life, while washing dishes, perhaps.

I'll leave you with my paraphrase of these final words from Herb.
"Identify your obsessions.
Find work that feeds them.
That's all.

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