Thursday, April 21, 2016

Elvis is in Savannah!

Mark Streeter had posted this in the paper yesterday.
He was even in the audience today, sitting two rows back from my first-row seat.
Where were we?
At the Jepson Center for the Arts.
Why were we there?
For a talk I've been awaiting since I first read about it in the January edition of my newsletter from the Telfair Museums.
Totally worth the wait.
Christopher Murray was the guest speaker to introduce the exhibit, "Elvis at 21: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer". Christopher Murray is the man responsible for recognizing the treasure in these photographs... and in the personal remembrances of the 26-year-old Alfred who had taken them.
Christopher Murray pointed out the knotted string Elvis was using as a guitar strap.
He directed our attention to the shot of Elvis at work during the train ride, listening to the tape he had recorded that day, selecting the best version of the songs.
He told us of the young woman Elvis had met at the soda shop, the young woman later documented kissing the singer in the stairwell, the woman still living today.
He showed us the departure of Elvis into the streets of his hometown, no throngs yet forming to block his path or slow his travel.
What an amazing few days, crystallized in the still-life black-and-white moments of time.

I have not yet been to the exhibit.
I want to be able to take my time, not be rushed, read all of the words, when I see it for the first time.
That means I have to wait until school has finished its mad path through these next few weeks.
But soon, my precious.

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