Friday, December 16, 2016

star wars christmas!

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far away...
just kidding!
It was in this galaxy, but long ago...

Mary Skywalker receives a message from God, via C3PO and r2d2, concerning her upcoming pregnancy with a baby boy who would...
Say what?
She wasn't even married yet!

Joseph HanSolo consults his best friend, Chewbacca, as to whether he should still marry that pregnant girl...

Then the two robots come with another message from God, accompanied by the angel Gabriel...
consider yourselves man and wife, they were told.

Darth Herod has felt the disturbance in the force and knows something is afoot...

Mary and Joseph walk to Bethlehem, where he knows an innkeeper, and they secure lodging in the stable, just in time for her to give birth...

Darth Herod totally loses his cool, commanding his Roman troopers to go out and kill all the babies...

When Yoda arrives with the three magi, Darth Herod asks that they please return to inform him of the baby's location...

The magi arrive at the stable, pay their respects, and then allow Yoda to find them a different way out of the city...

And now you know the rest of the story!
The end!

Time for Santa Claus to make his appearance and reward all with treats for a superb performance!

Where on Earth was I???
Out in Rincon, at the Faith Presbyterian Church. Pastor Mary even delayed the start of the production so I could make a pit stop first. I told her I had passed it six or seven times, out there in the dark, even with my handy GPS. Thank goodness the folks at the family reunion up the street mentioned that the church was "just before you get to the railroad tracks".
Found it right away then!

Why was I there?
I never go to Rincon. I don't know anyone out there.
However, someone I know had tagged the event on facebook, and I had seen it when I went looking for something to do.
"May The REAL Force Be With You", it was titled.
How could I possibly say "no"?

I am so glad I was there!
Definitely the right place, at the right time.
There are no coincidences, you know.
I was meant to be there.

i thank You, God.

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