Wednesday, August 13, 2014

at the end of his rope

Dear Tony,

I'm at the school, passing a bit of time between events, so I planned ahead and I brought this.

This morning, the Faculty and Staff Convocation was held. That's all university-speak for "Pep Rally". President Bleicken's speech was to encourage us "to lead our students to inspiration" this school year. Oddly, my department head was not here for the message. Actually, that is not odd. The only students he is interested in leading are the 15 (or less) who will be chemistry majors each year. There are hundreds that he teaches, but if they are not chemistry majors, he believes he is wasting his time.

The university presented a very nice luncheon after the pep talk! Lots of fresh veggies that I did not have to wash or cut up - just enjoy! There were also little sandwiches: roast beef and cheddar on a mini pretzel bun; Tuscan chicken salad on croissant; grilled mushroom and onion wrap. Such good variety!

Isn't it so sad about Robin Williams? I find myself thinking about him, and how much life he seemed to have, rather frequently. I first heard he'd died on Monday evening. I have to wonder if he might have had a long-suffering disease he was trying to shorten. Many times, depression is caused by a physical ailment, like cancer. That's how it was for Daddy and for Jeff's mom.

Well, that is certainly not the direction I had thought I was going! But it feels good to get it off my mind, so I thank you for listening.

with much love!

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