Sunday, August 17, 2014

it's MORE than okay to be Takei!

That's the message in "To Be Takei", the last of three films screened as part of the mini Human Rights Watch Film Festival. Many thanks to Jim Reed, of the Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah, and to Muse Arts Warehouse, for sharing this with me - and others! - on this sweltering August day and evening!!!
Oh, and thanks for not making me feel like a fool for pronouncing the man's name wrong all these years.
That would be George Tah-KAY, not Tah-KIGH.
That's okay, the man has a great sense of humor and I'm sure he, himself, would be the first to forgive me. He would probably pronounce my name correctly.
I was definitely in the right place tonight!
If you get the opportunity, please do see this documentary.
This one'll give you a new attitude.
In fact, I'll write this on the list of "life-changing" films the bfe wanted.

It's okay to be Takei because...
... a positive attitude through hard times will keep the bitter edge from taking over your mental outlook.
... you can still love and respect your parents, foibles and all, even long after they've died.
... true love should not be hidden from the world and deserves your best efforts.
... getting older doesn't mean you're dead yet and should just fade away.
... a sense of humor will help soften criticisms, loosen others' attitudes, and open minds to new ideas.
... it's never too late to start standing up for better treatment of yourself and other people, no matter how old the injustice.
... it's especially never too late to stand up for the rights of children and youth, here and now.
... it isn't a "lifestyle", it's an orientation. (Spoken by a Japanese-American with a definite tone in his voice, there seems to be an implied pun, doesn't there?)

My little sister Sue is so fortunate. She lives in San Diego, home of the production of his musical play, "Allegiance". So, she would have been able to attend its World Premiere in 2012. Maybe she would like to accompany me to see it on Broadway when it opens??

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