Thursday, August 14, 2014

warning: cheerful message ahead!

Right there in front of me was the message of the day.

"Life is good"

Just to make sure I "got it",
it was attached to the
"alert yellow" vehicle ahead...

at a red light... I had nothing better to do than look at it...

... and allow it to sink in.

Nicely played, universe!

I had been to the university for the CST fall pep talk by our new college dean. I was about thirty minutes late, so I missed partaking of the lunch spread, but that's okay.
I was there for the talk.
THAT was the important thing.
THAT was the reason I was there.
I wanted -
no, strike that -
I needed to know what the new philosophy was to be. Everyone having equal rights or some being a privileged few?
Well, lemme tell you, pardner!
There's a new sheriff in town and her name is Jane Wong.
She's also a psychologist, so she knows how games are played.
She let us know the only game in play was how to better serve the students.
All of the students, not just the paltry few which matriculate through the six departments of our one college in the university.
All of the students enrolled in the many classes taught by our college.

THAT may well be a different modus operandi for my department.
Not for everyone in the department, of course.
Certainly not for me, as my students have demonstrated time and time again. *

Interesting times certainly lie ahead.
Life is good!

* The students have nominated me as an "Empowering Woman" for the past two years.

I am so proud of that accomplishment!

After all, I am a chemistry professor and my students are scared to death of chemistry when they first walk in.

So, I am very proud of that award given to me by the students.

Only one other professor in my college received that award and she is in the Biology Department.
I must be doing something right!

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