Thursday, January 29, 2015

my money's on the Seahawks!

Hey, Dood!

The 49th Super Bowl is almost here! That means it's older than you are. You've never known a world in which the Super Bowl did not exist.

Mind-boggling, isn't it? You know what boggles my mind? Many of my students were just toddlers when the World Trade Towers were attacked in September 2001. To them, that is ancient history, as it has permanently changed the world around them. No mor going early to meet arriving flights at the airport, so you can greet family and friends as they step off the plane. Now, you wait in the cell phone lot for them to call you from the baggage room.

I miss meeting them at the gate. And when I travel, I miss having people in the hall, waiting with a welcoming hug. The young people of today have no idea what that's like.

Ah, well. I'm rooting for the Seahawks this year, for the same reason I supported the Mariners last year. I like their ocean-themed name and I like their uniforms! :-)

with much love!

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