Saturday, January 24, 2015

things i would buy if i win the lottery

Winning the lottery is not very likely, but a girl can - and should - dream.
Here we go!
We'll just start with these two items and add on later...

I don't even have a place for this fabulous,fantastical dragon stair rail in my one-story dwelling... but I want it.

Very much.

Maybe I'll just run it from the front door to the end of the sidewalk...

That'll give the neighbors and the kids on the schoolbus something to gawk at while they're at the stop sign.


As a swing!!!

No, he didn't show this specific capability in the movie, but he definitely has a soft spot in his psyche for children.
Remember the scene where he grew a flower in his hand and gave it to the little girl?
Well, I do.
I was wishing that little girl was me!

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