Tuesday, June 14, 2016

fun with periodic tables!

No, I'm not talking about some of the previous fun I've shared on this topic!
No trivia with science nerds occurred!
No trivia with the Liquor Posse, either!
This time, the fun was creative and had a purpose.
I have a blind student this summer semester.
Completely blind.
But the student has not always been blind.
At the age of twelve, a sinus infection from hell had destroyed the optic nerve, completely and forever severing the link between incoming imagery and the processing center in the brain.
Obviously, a tactile Periodic Table was needed.
And quickly, too.
This is already our third week out of a total of eight for classes.
Unable to find one that wasn't ridiculously expensive or totally Braille, I decided to create one.
The second test of the semester is scheduled for Thursday.
We'll see how well it works.

1 comment:

faustina said...

The Periodic Table worked quite well!
Now, then, if the student had done the homework assignment, and looked back over the names of the elements, I know he would have done quite well.
That Sodium and Potassium really tripped him up.
Ya gotta be aware of Greeks and Romans bearing chemical symbols.