Sunday, June 19, 2016

summerville kind of day!

Such crystal blue skies!
Such fluffy white clouds!
Such a remarkable difference from the gray skies yesterday!
And, oh!
Such a delightful view as I headed south from north Georgia!

I'd had a wonderful visit with my youngest brother!
He had some good news to share, too!
He has a date of April 30, 2017, for parole.
Such good news!

He had chits for two photographs of us to be taken.
We did a traditional pose for the first one.
Then, I said "let's do one with funny faces!"
Say what?
And, after a moment of disbelief, he embraced the moment of silliness and we had it immortalized on digital "film"!
I can hardly wait for the hard copies to come in the mail!
And on the way home, even the clouds got into the spirit of funny faces!
(See the waggly mouse ears and big eyes and sparkling white whiskers? Very funny!)

This time, I had visited with him until almost 3 PM.
That's "closing time", y'all, and I usually leave an hour earlier.
That gives him a bit more privacy for the post-visit search he undergoes.

But time got away from us!
We had so much to catch up on!
Some things need to be talked about in detail, things like my BFF's divorce, Christina's divorce, the deaths of the bfe's two old lady cats, the creative outlet provided to me via my blind student.
The time just flew!
But you know what?
I made it home before dark...
how wonderful to be able to do so!
And how wonderful to have watched the full moon and recited my rap in beatnik poet style!
Maybe I'll have to share that take with an open mic some time...

Happy Father's Day to all!
And happy birthday:58 trip for me!

1 comment:

faustina said...

One more thing -
I had been quite concerned about this trip, since the carpal tunnel syndrome is so bad in my hands.
However, I had a discovery: if I wore the brace on my left hand, and spread my fingers such that the pinkie was apart from the ring finger and the thumb was held off of the steering wheel, I could maintain that position for quite a while! No more switching from one hand to the other every five minutes!
i thank You, God!