Thursday, June 30, 2016

oh, the places it goes!

Dr. Seuss would be so proud of my blood.
Evidently, even though I'm not traveling this summer, my blood sure is!
Here is the message the American Red Cross sent to me.


Thank you for giving blood with the American Red Cross on 6/1/2016. After first ensuring that local needs were met, your blood donation was sent to Piedmont Fayette Hospital in Fayetteville, GA to help a patient in need. Your donation is on its way to change lives!

Every day, patients receive blood for a variety of conditions including life-threatening illnesses, blood disorders and traumas. Your blood donations are critical to helping save patients' lives.

On behalf of the hospitals and patients we serve, thank you for being a Red Cross blood donor.


Mary O'Neill, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
American Red Cross

Won't you donate today?

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