Sunday, June 12, 2016

code orange concert

Earlier this afternoon, I met up with my one-and-only, ever-lovin' stepmom in Bluffton so we could do our thing. You know, that lunch and a movie thing we do?
This time, we had Chinese and Japanese food (eggplant and chicken in brown sauce for her, sushi for me). Tasty! Lunch with her was definitely part of my birthday:58 celebration!
Then we went to the 1984 movie, "Ghostbusters". The movie, or the "Fathom Event", was scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM. But it did not. Instead, we sat through more than twenty minutes of a thirty-minute "countdown", complete with ticking clock and very little else. (Trust me, I have complained at, a URL that became etched into my brain by the monotonous looping.)
The movie itself? We both loved it, of course!
But we may think twice about going to another Fathom screening.

After hugs and "I love you"s, we headed off to our homes, her to Beaufort, me to Savannah.
I drove straight to the Alee Temple.
Odd place for me to go, right?
But I had read about a fundraiser concert to be held there. With ties to CURE Childhood Cancer, this particular group was linked directly to a boy named Derrick.
He had a malignant tumor which had laid siege to his optic nerve, making him blind. He was only 4 years old at the time. He is now 6 years old and going to school.
Honestly, with so many coincidences pointing in that direction, how could I have not gone? The "3rd Annual Code Orange For Derrick Benefit" promised to have resources available "to help with school... so other families will have that information and not get the run-around".
They seemed to be singing my song!
Thirty dollars later, I realized this was primarily a gospel event. Lots of choirs and groups singing praise, folks testifying, prayers for healing - definitely appropriate for a Sunday evening. My favorite act was a septet of young men, representing the Mime Ministry of Tremont Temple Missionary Baptist Church. They were fabulous!
As for resources for educators, the pickings were slim. I did find out about the Savannah Center for the Blind and Low Vision and was given contact names there. The Braille embosser may be of use for me, but I don't think it will be in time. But I'll be sure to let Barbara Beam at Savannah Tech know!
After the mime act, I took my leave. The concert was only halfway done, but I wanted to get started on an idea for the Periodic Table.
Off to Wal-Mart, in search of writing implements which would leave a raised imprint! I finally found the puffy paint pens, but I don't know of anything else there which will be of use. I had thought the paint came in different textures, but the glossy one was all I found. I'll let you know how the puffy paint works.
Wish me luck!
And i thank You, God, for the inspiration!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Links for use later, possibly.
mom Utesa Chisholm
sister Ariel (17 in 2015)
sister Madison (8 in 2015)
started 29 jan 2016
dissolved 7 sept 2018
sunday, june 12, 2016
3rd annual concert
at Alee Shriners on Skidaway

Derrick Chisholm II
was 6 on June 26, 2015 - so, born 06-26-2009
student at Georgetown Elementary
was the 3rd annual... but none since
June 27, 2015
2nd annual code orange for Derrick concert
at St. Philip Monumental AME CHurch
Derrick Chisholm 2
all kinds of instruments he plays, with some talking...
video is all dark...
maybe it's the blind kid?
Videos up to this month!!!
june 24, 2015
closed July 1, 2015
possibly the 1st annual fundraiser