Thursday, June 9, 2016

da da daaah! and baseball too!

Today began with my second Summer Kid movie!
I'm regarding those as part of my birthday:58 celebration.
Oh, yes I am!
This one was at the Carmike Cinema. It was one of my favorite movies, too: "The Croods"! Such a strong female lead Eep is! So charmingly boyish is Guy! So much fun is Belt!
Oh, have you forgotten Belt's dramatic line? He says it repeatedly during the course of the movie, even managing to teach it to the Baby for the final credits.
Same line each time.
That was it!
Did you miss it?
Here it is again: Da Da DAAAAHHHH!
Hahahaha hahaha!

Tonight at Grayson Stadium was also part of my birthday:58 celebration!
You see, I have decided to regard every game this short summer season as a gift to myself.
Why wouldn't I?
Baseball, dinner, entertainment, and the company of friends at each event - sure sounds like a party to me!
The bfe was supposed to have accompanied me tonight.
This would have been the first game he's attended in 19 years - or something like that.
Sadly, he contacted me this afternoon to beg off.
Illness, he said.
Well, no worries!
Plenty of other opportunities await for us to see baseball together.
As for what he missed... here goes!
Prior to the game's start, there was a "homerun-hitting" little leaguer who took the batter's box. Several of the Bananas manned their positions on the bases and in the field. The boy it the ball and proceeded to run the bases with his little sister in hand, whilst the Bananas let the ball slip through their fingers over and over. How very funny! Then, a man in uniform walked to home plate and knelt, arms outstretched, as the two children rounded third base... Daddy was home!!!
(Get it? Nice inside joke for us sports fans!)
I very nearly cried.
I'm so glad I was early enough to witness it in person!
Guess what I had for dinner? Four Oscar Mayer hotdogs, so good they needed no condiments! A grilled Tyson chicken sandwich, with just a little mayo! A small popcorn to munch! Three small Byrds oatmeal cookies for dessert! And three ice-cold sodas!
How much did all that cost?
Not one dime!
It was all a benefit of my membership!
For those who weren't members, the cost would have been about $27, not including the cookies. They would have had to pay another $5 for a package of ten cookies.
But my lunch and dinner of the day was fully covered!
And the baseball game?
They won! The Bananas played the Red Wolves again and beat them again, too! But what a tight game it was this time! Only one run decided the win!
But that's the beauty of baseball: a win is a win, regardless of the difference in the score.
Hooray for the Bananas!
See y'all again on Saturday!

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