Saturday, June 11, 2016

what do shrek and shakespeare have in common?

Before I answer that question, let's set the scene, shall we?

Hey, it's your beach
- dew de doo -
do whatcha gonna do...

LOL! Nice of you to not try to tell me who to sock it to!

And you were saying...?

Well, as you know, last night I celebrated my birthday at Muse Arts. Had a little "hey nonny nonny", don't you know?

Oh, I do say! Good for you my dear! Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Wink wink!

That is not at all what I meant.
In the play, which is mostly prose, there is a bit of poetry interspersed. Said poetry, with one bit of the "hey nonny nonny" variety, had been set to folk music typical of the 1960's. Quite humorous!

And that phrase has special meaning, right? Right? Wink, wink!

No, not at all. Shakespeare had thrown it in there no doubt to acknowledge the place it held in slang of the times. You know, in an attempt to stay current with his audience.

Oh. Hmpfh. I like my version better.

That's neither here nor there and is totally off track.
Anywho... where was I?
Oh, yes, birthday, Shakespeare, nonny.... got it!
So, this morning, I set about on facebook to share the glad tidings about the play! And what to my wondering eyes did appear?

A sleigh and eight tiny reindeer?

Oh, in rare form art thou! But, no.
I found a photo of the glorious JinHi with her niece in a fairy godmother dress! And the caption spoke of a play at the Savannah Children's Theatre. And guess what that play was?
Go, ahead, guess!

Okay! I choose "Shrek The Musical, Jr."!

You'll never guess....
Say what?
How did you know that?

Um... I was peeking over your shoulder...right?

Oh. Why yes, I guess you were.
So, I decided to go to today's matinee, which would be the last time this Theatre Camp production would be performed.

I hate to interrupt, but tomorrow will be the last performance...

Right, you're absolutely right.
Part of the reason I wanted to go was thanks to the Soucy family connection. The other part of my reason for attending was thanks to Reverend Billy, back in October. A musical with my favorite ogre?
Very nice!
And guess what?

That "nonny" thing showed up?

Yes, it did! In the song about traveling to the town of Duloc! Very funny to have it just pop up like that! Such a grand coincidence!

Yes, my dear. We all know how you like those!

And that's not all! One of the songs I heard at both performances was The Monkees' "I'm A Believer"!!! I love that song!!!
If I had the time, I'd sing it for you!
But I do not.
Time for me to go Bananas with fiReWOrKs!!!

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