Wednesday, March 16, 2016

crossword with a number!

Well, that was different.
I've been rather pushed for time this semester, so I've been saving the crossword puzzles until I had some time on my hands.
This one was in the February 3-9 issue of the local entertainment paper. As you can tell, it's been waiting a month for my attention.
'Tis rather a shame I didn't solve it when the movie was still in town. Seeing Han Solo is always a good day, you know?
I'm sure this would have prompted another viewing of the droid featured here.
In a crossword puzzle.
A droid with a number in its name, as is seemingly the case for all droids.
A number.
In a crossword puzzle.
I'll say this for Matt Jones: he sure does make an interesting word game. His puzzles are meant for alternative weekly papers, implying that his demographic is probably much younger than I am.
I still give them a try. A challenge is a nice way to pass a bit of time, provide a bit of mental gymnastics for the brain.
It's a muscle, too, you know.
The truly fun thing about a crossword puzzle is not simply the solving of the word clues for each place on its diagram.
No, no, mi amigo.
The truly fun thing is determining the theme.
Matt Jones has a wickedly keen sense of humor.
That makes it especially tricky to suss out the theme.
I was so pleased when I did for this one!
Pairs of "B"s!
The longer spaces were words which contained two pairs of "B"s.
Words like
"hoBBy loBBy" [arts and crafts chain in a 2014 Supreme Court decision] -
and "roBBle roBBle" [the Hamburglar's catchphrase] -
and "jiBBer jaBBer" [foolish talk, to B.A. Baracus] -
and "huBBa huBBa" ["va-va-voom relative].
Then I came to the clue for 63-Across:
Cute spherical character in "The Force Awakens" demonstrated in this grid (not counting this answer)

Um. That droid's name was BB-8. Surely I'm not supposed to put a numeral in that last block... right?

So, I checked the clue for 57-Down:
"I could've had a ___!" (juice slogan)

It was true!
This puzzle had a numeral in it!!!
Thanks, Matt!
I think I'll go see a movie about talking animals now!

Count those pairs of "B"s, y'all....

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