Friday, July 1, 2016

bananas go country!

You know the thing I like best about this new baseball club?
Every game day is different.
I'm not referring to their Friday-Monday-Thursday-Saturday-Wednesday schedule rotation.
That's actually been quite a boon, allowing fans - and ball players - to take a respite.

But that isn't what I'm talking about.

I'm referring to the variety of promotions and entertainment from one game day to the next.
I'm referring to the vibe from the fans who bring their whole family out to watch baseball.
I'm referring to the vast amount of energy exuded by the many children as they munch on all-you-can-eat hotdogs and hamburgers and popcorn.

It's almost like stepping back in time to the olden days of baseball.
Where better to do so than at historic Grayson Stadium?
Nowhere else boasts a baseball diamond graced by such legendary greats as Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Other ball fields once could claim such a title. However, those have been replaced by newer buildings, shinier concession stands, and more expensive seats.
I'll gladly watch my baseball in this old stadium, and be grateful to do so!

Tonight's special theme was a celebration of country music!
Rosalind had braided her tresses into pigtails and was sporting cowboy boots, denim shorts, and ten-gallon hat.
Yeehaw, y'all!
Me? I'm wearing my Daddy's shirt.
He would have had a blast at the ball park tonight!
The least I can do is celebrate for him, right?

That's why I made sure to get this photo of Daddy's shirt - with his ever-loving, one-and-only daughter in it - hanging out with Banana Split.
Super cute, right?

The game was a bit lopsided... but in favor of the Bananas!
Those poor Swamp Dogs just never had a chance!
Late in the game, I would have sworn our boys of summer were trying to give the visiting team a chance, but the North Carolina folks never managed to get a man across home plate.
Not once.
What a game!

And we end the evening with Mister Willie easing on down the stairs from his seat in the bleachers behind home plate.
Rosalind always escorts him safely down, all the way to his car.
Usually, I walk with them, but I held back to visit with the Povies. They're off to Mexico City and Cabo San Lucas in a week. Hotel California, here they come!
Hope they have at least as much fun as I did there!

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