Sunday, July 3, 2016

more tuna, please!

Honestly, I just couldn't help myself!
Those hippie-dippie chicks were calling
to me!
Well, they were!
Plus, I had to hear again that kazoo-playing chicken at the radio station, who managed to wrest the microphone away from that forlorn disc jockey who kept playing "Only The Lonely" for hours and hours and hours, all because he broke up with his would-be wife and she let him...
Yes, I said "hear".
You can't hardly "see" someone on the radio, can you?
But I digress.
Hey, it's easy to do around this bunch!

Such a talented group!
Most of them were playing two roles in this play.
Like I said, a very talented bunch!
No worries if you missed "Red, White, and Tuna" on its last performance this afternoon.
The Masquers will be reprising the play in late August...
so don't miss your chance then!
Still, it won't have the same cachet as it does for this weekend, but you'll still have a grand ol' time at it!

As for fireworks, these will do nicely!
My thanks to Mother Nature and God for such a display of beauty!

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