Wednesday, July 6, 2016

it's superman! it's spock! it's...kevin???

For the third time in just over one week, I watched "Minions".
(Hey, it was only a dollar at the Regal Cinema yesterday and today. It was free last Tuesday at the Victory Cinema! I do so love my Summer Kid Film Festivals!)
I very much enjoy the movie, as I said before. These repeated viewings have allowed me to catch details that I missed before.
Just little things.
Like the expression on Poochie's face outside the coronation chamber.
Like the name of Bob's teddy bear.
Like the couple photobombing the British newscast.
Like the street destruction caused by Kevin's shoes.
Like the queen closing the carriage door over the canal.
Like the teapot in the British police car.
Like the "growing up with Gru" scenes as the credits rolled.
All cute stuff that could have been omitted without detraction from anyone's enjoyment of the movie.
Thanks for including it, y'all!
And thanks for the dance party at the end of the credits - that was such fun!

I also was sure to note some fun quotes!
1. "Dad, there's Frankie Fishlips! I can smell him from here!"
So shouts little Tina Nelson as the family arrives at Villain-Con. (And we even got a clue about the year of the event! When they arrive at the swamp in Orlando, there is a billboard advertising the construction of Disney World. So, we're looking at pre-1971.)
2. The queen is arm-wrestling a tough guy and regaling (get it?) the bar crowd with a joke.
"Why did the queen go to the dentist?"
"To get her teeth crowned!"

3. The British newscaster, choosing his words carefully, describes the newly-crowned King Bob as "what appears to be a bald, jaundiced child." Got to be proper, you know!
4. "Respect! Power! ... Banana!" That was Scarlet's sales pitch to the Minions to encourage them to follow her. That last part threw her, but Stuart had enthusiastically shouted it... so she did, too!
5. Kevin describes the queen's gift to Stuart as "Super Mega Ukelele!" Stuart is thrilled! He immediately launches into a Jimi Hendrix-inspired riff, ending by thrashing the guitar about on the stage...! Super mega mess!

Want to learn to speak Minion?
Here's how you do it. Just translate the songs they sing, songs you already know and love. "Hey, Hey, We're the Monkees"! "Auld Lang Syne"! "Hair"! "We Wish You A Merry Christmas"!
All it will take is a little time...
tough there are probably lessons already available on video!

Oh, but I haven't yet explained the title of my post, have I?
Let's do the "Star Trek" reference first, shall we?
Here's why Kevin brought Spock to mind yesterday.
The Minion tribe has arrived in England, just in time to witness Scarlet Overkill in extreme villainess mode and trying to kill a giant Kevin. When she fires a nuclear warhead at him, Kevin catches it... and throws it into his mouth to save the others.
And this scene immediately sprang to mind.
Spock was on one side of a glass wall, on the floor, while Kirk knelt on the other side. Spock began his Vulcan axiom: "The needs of the many outweigh ..." "...the needs of the few..., Kirk said, completing the sentence he has heard so often. This time, Spock added "Or the one."
Kevin clearly has the loyal heart of a Vulcan.

With the nuclear device in his mouth, Kevin then grabbed onto Scarlet's rocketship dress as she and her hubby Herb are trying to make their getaway. Right arm outstretched, right hand clasping her rocket, Kevin flies into the air... in the classic pose of Superman as he lifts off into the blue sky above!
Sam Johnson would most definitely agree with me on this one.
I know he would.
Then again, maybe it was him who pointed out the Superman stance of the Minion this morning?
Cool beans!
Thanks, Sam! Good to know you were there!

i thank You, God, for shared moments like these.

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