Friday, July 29, 2016

final friday with the boys of summer

Only two more games and the brief college baseball summer will end.
Next week's games are on Thursday and Saturday.
So, that makes this the final Friday for baseball this year.
A "diamond dig" was held after the game, but I did not stay for that.
I was there solely for the baseball.
Oh, yeah!

Garrett Nelson,
number 32,
is the
first base man
he has
been doing
a great job!
Steady hand
in the glove
and on
the bat.

Clay Dungan,
number 6,
is from
He's the
second base man.
Some of
his catches
are quite
He's good
at running
and hitting,

Here, the Savannah Bananas are saluting the military, present and past.
If you look directly above Number 18's head, and slightly left, you'll see a white-haired gent in a blue shirt standing up.
That's Chatham Thomas, Sr.
He and his wife Carol have played host to the Indiana man this summer.
(They also hosted Ryan Flores, number 5, a pitcher.)
I should be standing a little further to the left, on the same row as Chat, but a woman is blocking me from view.

Savannah VOICE was there prior to the game.
They gave us only two songs, but one was a favorite:
"Seasons of Love", from "RENT".

"5 hundred 25 thousand, six hundred minutes,
how do you measure, measure a year?"
And how do you measure a season of Bananas?
Well, they were to play at home in Savannah on 24 dates, two of which were rained out.
On those 20 dates played so far, they have played fifteen regular games and eight 7-inning games (on the doubleheader Wednesdays). If we figure an average of 150 minutes per game, that's a total of three thousand, four hundred and fifty minutes of summer delights at the ballpark.
I've missed two games. That should mean I missed out on three hundred minutes of the fun, but I parlayed those missed games into tickets to share with the bfe and with Kevin, so I consider those minutes enjoyed! Also, I parlayed one of the rain-out tickets into a shared game, so I'm actually even more to the good!
I'll be even more to the good when I share the second rain-out ticket...
but with whom???

Well, I won't be sharing the ticket with Mister Willie. See him in the pale peach shirt, in the upper left? He's sitting in his seat and does not even need tickets to gain admittance.
And I won't be sharing the ticket with the Denions. John, in the bright orange shirt on the right, was there tonight with his son, Aaron. So, they're good for the summer.
Hmmm... I better figure it out soon!
Only two more games...
and one of those is already sold out.
I'll keep you posted!

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