Wednesday, July 13, 2016

poetic dragon

Dearest JinHi,

i thank God

you were

where you were

so they could fix you back


and send you back


to the many

who love you,

including me.


faustina said...

I had read her post last night, her post about going to New York for a consult and ending up in the hospital for a terrifying four days instead.
This morning, i woke with her on my mind.
I took my little thyroid-adjuster and returned to bed, but not to sleep. Instead, the prose had sprung to mind and begged to be written.
One does as the Muse requests...especially for a friend.

faustina said...

One more thing:

The paper I used is precious to me.
I had bought the stationery in Okinawa, back in 1981 or 1982.
For her, I gave one of the three sheets I still had.
She is worth that, and so much more.