Sunday, July 31, 2016

the sharkening!

"The Sharkening" ... bah dumm... bah dumm... bah DUMM!!!
I have never seen such a feeding frenzy in my life!
No, never mind the sharks dropping from the sky on the telly, my dears.
I was referring to US!
Bwah hahaha haha!
I had made Deep Blue C's for the event in Pooler.
That's shark-speak for mini blueberry cupcakes, y'all.

Our hostess had made blue Jell-O with Swedish fish... but that languished in the refrigerator, as we forgot about it. (Apparently, there is NOT always room for Jell-O!)
We did much out on the blue velvet cake, though!
And the cheeseballs (in honor of these four cheesy movies)!

The four different cheddars provided a nice "flight" of cheeses, especially when accompanied by Triscuits and pepperoni - oh, yeah!

Elise had made cookie-cutter sandwiches in the shapes of sharks and sharkbitten victims. LOL!
They were quite yummy, with the dijon mustard and chicken innards and the black olive eyes!
I even made a leopard-spotted shark with the olive rings!
Lipsmacking good!

Lauri and Lynn came with fancy fin-bedecked cupcakes, including this special one for me.
How very nice of them!
You see, the others all had blood-red strawberries in the center of the white cake...
but not mine!
Thank you for being so thoughful!
That cupcake was major delish!

Sandy and I got there in time for the last ten minutes of the second "Sharknado" movie.
Then, we watched much of the third one, complete with RiffTrax-like commenting from Christa and Elise.
Before that one was done, the Tybee contingent had gotten to the northwest sector known as Pooler.

After we had all visited and cheese-munched, the star of the party finally arrived. "Sharknado: the 4th Awakens" picked up the storyline after a five-year time lapse, with some new actors playing older versions of the once-young characters.
Honestly, I tried to watch it.
I did!
But the party had so much else being said on the sidelines and as asides that it was difficult.
Still, I did catch "The Wizard of Oz" references! The mayor of Chicago as the Wicked Witch of the East was priceless, with her sparkly red shoes and black-and-white striped hosiery! Heck, she even ended up with a house dropped on her!
Hahahaha hahaha!
Yeah, I really liked that story arc.

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