Monday, July 4, 2016

kevin on the 4th, with bananas!

I bet you thought I meant Sir Kevin, didn't you?
Ah, if only he could be in this world!
I do not yet know the location of the wormhole between the 'Toons and us Reals, but I'm sure there must be one. Otherwise, how would Jessica Rabbit have gotten help for her honey bunny?
This is the Kevin I was with tonight.
As you can tell, he is definitely not a Minion.
He's far too tall and far too pale!
He was my guest, making use of one of my rain-out tickets for his 4th of July dinner and entertainment. Well, actually, I gave him my box seat ticket for tonight and I took the General Admission ticket, but we both had armbands for free dinner! We sat in box seats all night, too, surprisingly. Lauri and Lynn's rowmates skipped out on the game. Hooray for our good fortune!
As was the case with the bfe, this was Kevin's first time experiencing the Savannah Bananas.
Unlike the physicist, the psychologist attends baseball games more frequently than once per two decades. The psychologist went to a Sand Gnats game last 4th of July.
I happened to be at that doubleheader, too! But I wouldn't have seen Kevin. He and his pals were sitting in the sun on the aluminum bleachers. I was in the shade of the roof, under the Big Ass fans. Oh, yeah!
Guess who else was at the game tonight?
I had been looking for Savannah Elvis, to no avail.
Then... a powwow was being held on the pitchers mound, slowing down the game. The announcer played "A Little Less Conversation"... and suddenly Elvis was right there!!!
I tell you, I stood up and pointed at him and danced!!!
Can I get an "Amen!!!"
Okay, where was I?
Oh, yes, talking about using one of my $15 tickets to try to convert a male friend to baseball.
No, it didn't happen tonight, either.
Still, just as the bfe had done, Kevin did say he enjoyed the experience and the hours of time with me. That was very nice to hear.
And I had certainly enjoyed spending time with these two men in my life.
SO, this was well worth the money spent!
And we even got fiReWOrKs tonight!

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