Wednesday, July 13, 2016

un beso por un abuelo

Dearest Tony,

Thanks for the photos of us! That "funny faces" one is a hoot! I'm going to make copies of both and send them around to folks so they can enjoy them, too!

Here's a recent photo of your grandson, Sebi, down in Mexico. Hope and Carlos are still there. She had sent several photos of Sebi to her mom, who was kind enough to send them to me... and I'm sending this one to you! Nice how that all worked out!

Here's something that does not seem to be working out. When I was there with you last month, I spoke of coming next weekend (the 23rd and 24th) for a visit. Sadly, I'm not going to make it. Something must change with my hands for that to happen. Also, it is the weekend before final exams so I'll be busy taking care of writing those. So, play handball and have philosophical discussions, and know that I will be thinking of you, even more than usual.

with my love!

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